Here Mikael Blomkvist (Michael Nyqvist) takes notes as he interviews a local police officer in Stieg Larsson’s “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” (2009).
Thanks to Leslie Russell
Here Mikael Blomkvist (Michael Nyqvist) takes notes as he interviews a local police officer in Stieg Larsson’s “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” (2009).
Thanks to Leslie Russell
September 21, 2010 in My Moleskine | Permalink | Comments (3)
Matt Reimer shared a post from his blog on a customized Moleskine "ruggedized" for his part of the world. A cloth cover, a pen holder, an SD wallet comprises the add-ons. As they say, "just add adventure."
Thanks Matt!
So what's on your customized Moleskine?
August 12, 2010 in My Moleskine | Permalink | Comments (0)
Jeff wrote us about a range of protective cases he made for notebooks, including Moleskine.
I am a graphic artist and designer of Kydex products for Tactical, Survival and everyday use.Jeff adds that his best creation so far, the Venture Klip, started as a sketch in my Moleskine Journal.
"I recently came full circle and made a tactical slip cover out of Kydex for my 'Skine."
July 28, 2010 in My Moleskine | Permalink | Comments (1)
In London in October there is an exhibition Journeys by Tim Baynes (21 October - 14 November 2010) It represents unique view of cities across the world. The idea was born through six years of Tim Baynes' far-flung business travels, trusty Moleskine notebook always in hand. During each trip, Tim recorded his observations in spare moments, be they at the beginning of a business day, during the quiet of the evening, or in a few minutes stolen between meetings.
Looking for a way to increase the scale and impact of his travel drawings, Tim turned to mono printing. Tim's Moleskine to mono print work is about the fleeting impressions of time and place. He is searching for what is special about each place – its mono-ness. Tim calls this process industrialization: scaling up, dramatizing, and enlarging his Moleskine work. The mono print approach, like travel, is often unpredictable and this dimension is entirely appropriate to the task and 'cause' of this forthcoming exhibition details of which are being finalized in August.
More detail on the show please visit
And blog
July 26, 2010 in My Moleskine | Permalink | Comments (4)
Illustrator Robert Scholten is back in Australia after a trip to NY and posted a couple of snaps from his notebook.
"New York is an amazing place, and I still find myself missing the addictive energy. At the same time, I'm taking more time to reflect, to look back at what I learnt and experienced..."
These sketches (we hope to see more) sure gives us an impression of that energy.
Image: ©2010 RS
July 08, 2010 in My Moleskine | Permalink | Comments (1)
Patrick Ng just did something drastic and good - a combo Moleskine Diary/Sketchbook in Leather Cover:
"The day I decided to use the Moleskine 18 months weekly diary from July I knew I would have problem pulling out what I need from my bag. It has the same size and look as the Moleskine sketch book I'm using. Knowing that I will be using both quite often in this coming half year starting from my trip to Tokyo next week, I did something drastic in 30 minutes..."
July 06, 2010 in My Moleskine | Permalink | Comments (3)
Interesting photos of Toronto-based designer Trevor Henry's sketchbooks at Creative Overflow. When there is morphing involved things are bound to get fantastic.
"I've always loved to draw, and not a day goes by when I don't put down atleast one sketch. These are some examples of my daily doodling..."
Check it out.
July 06, 2010 in My Moleskine | Permalink | Comments (1)
Photographer and traveler Erik Gauger shares his latest mementos from a trek to Mt. Hood.
Lately I've been using my Moleskine to collect items I find in the field. It's a great way to identify species and collect a bit about the region you are in. I kept my Moleskine under heavy books for a couple weeks to ensure the plants pressed well. Also, I collected most of these along roads, rather than in preserves and natural areas.
June 18, 2010 in My Moleskine | Permalink | Comments (5)
James Gurney, author of Dinotopia and Imaginative Realism shared this link with us.
"Here's a post on my blog GurneyJourney featuring my Moleskine watercolor sketchbook in a close-up portrait of a cow."
I've never been more thrilled, especially when you see how close he was to his model:)
LINKJune 10, 2010 in My Moleskine | Permalink | Comments (0)
Amy Nortman's concept of how Moleskine products would live within the world of adverts and billboards, meant to provide aspiration to the inspired soul.
I love the piano Moleskine:)
April 29, 2010 in My Moleskine | Permalink | Comments (0)
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