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This is Moleskinerie, a blog dedicated to the proposition that not all notebooks are created equal. Its impeccable provenance notwithstanding this site will talk more about the places and adventures, life's little dramas and other forgettable events that otherwise would have been lost were it not scrawled between the pages of these little black books.

Moleskine is not my obsession, it’s an attitude. I use other journals also. This site is not here to pontificate. It just is.

So, writers, travelers, artistes, dreamers and all - welcome to Moleskinerie!

AbfpixxArmand B. Frasco

 About me:
I'm an artist and aspiring photo documentarist based in Illinois, U.S.A.



Italy and International:
Moleskine srl

[email protected]

North America and Canada:

[email protected]

The not-so-fine print:

Moleskine™ is a Trademark of © All Rights Reserved, located in Milan, Italy, is the current manufacturer of the legendary Moleskine Notebooks, having revived it recent times. Retailers in the United States use the US distributor, Chronicle Books.In Canada, please contact Raincoast.

Any quotes from or appearances by celebrities and other personalities do not constitute a product endorsement.

Moleskinerie is hosted by TypePad.

© Copyright to all contributed images and articles (when indicated) are retained by their owners. Please contact them directly for permission to use. 


We do not share or sell my mailing list. Period.   


No moles were hurt in the making of this blog.



Noodler's Ink
good afternoon this is max davis
i like to sell your inks can you give me infermation as to what you can offer
i have one of the large ink botle web site and sell lot of ink



You expect Americans to be consistent in the way we do things? Maybe the Republicans are, but we Democrats do whatever we feel like doing, and damn the consistency.

I think the week count just looks weird because January 1, 2005 was on a Saturday. Whoever put the week counts on the pages was counting any part of the first week as a full week. So if you count a week only if it had seven days, the count in the planner will be one too high, except on Sunday, maybe.

The only other "anomaly" is that the planner reckons the week starts on Monday, whereas many people regard Sunday as the first day of the week.

2006 will be screwed up that way too, since it begins on a Sunday. That will be "week 1" all by itself. The Monday following will be labelled as "week 2" (or would be if they printed weeks on the right hand page.

And of course, I am looking at the page-per-day large format planner for 2005 as I write this. Don't know how the other formats for 2006 lay out.


IL Postino

Please refer to this review by Michael Leddy:


Maybe you can clarify an observation I mentioned in my blog. The daily planer 2006 has no week numbers on the right-hand pages, as opposed to this years'. However, this years' are a week off. Do Americans count them differently? And I thought the Moleskine books were manufactured in Italy. oh well.

Tony Phillips

Moleskine cultists worry about the knockoffs. But competition can only improve the breed, just like American cars improving because of the beating they took for years from better quality imports. Maybe Modo will make needed improvements. For example, the $5 Chinese B&N versions have better paper that's actually white, not beige, yet hold up well with fountain pens. And for photogs, the inner liners give you two 5x7 surfaces that are within 1/3rd of a stop of a Kodak gray card! Wow! Perfect for my "go bag".

I've read posts from people who have made fruitless suggestions to Modo. Doesn't work, eh? If enough of us vote with our wallets, we may see updated "skines that are actually worth the extra cost.

Tony P.


Thank you so much for making this weblog. I've spent the day going through the archives, thinking up new ways to use the three (yes! I became addicted!) I've purchased.

Heee. And I live in NE Illinois, too!


There is a great article in today's New York Times about the Traveling Moleskine Project. Do not miss it. It is on the front page of the Style section!!


Where is the best place in Perth, Western Australia to purchase a Moleskine Notebook & Also Moleskine Diarys


Moleskines: 3 for the price of 2 @ Waterstones (UK)


has anyone tried Komtrak's journals??
Great paper and is refillable


I spent last summer in Italy and Eastern Europe. I travelled with my moleskin writing down all or my adventures, thoughts and contact information for new friends. I had almost all of my ticket stubs from exhibitions and art galleries, train and bus tickets, etc. in my little book. Upon returning to the states (portland, OR) I left my moleskin at a pay phone only to realize it was gone a few days later. Though it is a loss to have misplaced my travel log, I like the thought that someone found it and read it and got to wonder about whose adventures they had stumbled upon.


And I thought my endearment for these moleskins made me a "strange" person. Wow, now I know I am NORMAL! There are other dedicated lovers of these books!


i ordered a moleskine along with a bunch of other art supplies online, intending to use it as a reference for my notes and watercolor paint swatches. it came yesterday, and i couldn't sleep until 4 or 5 am, i filled up about 13 pages last night with favorite poems and thoughts! something about this little black book is so appealing--maybe it's the rounded edges and subtle, smaller-than-college-ruled grey lines--the feel is less harsh and academic than the usual square diaries. i've had a bunch of journals before, but i've never been able to get thru more than a few of the first pages before tossing it or losing steam. my moleskine is the first notebook i feel i could actually fill completely--at the rate i'm going i'll need another one in less than a month! i must say, tho, that pictures of other's [perfectly imperfect] moleskines have inspired me quite a bit. this find is priceless, especially now that i've decided to take up painting again after an 8+ year hiatus--at last, a space to vent out my fears, frustrations, insecurities, and triumphs...
p.s. for all those who are wondering about ink bleeding, i use a 0.3 sakura pigma micron. you can barely see the writing on the next page, but i think that's to be expected with this type of archival quality waterproof ink. when one considers how delicate and thin the pages are, it's a wonder tho that it doesn't bleed thru more.

Denise Sofie

I enjoy reading through this informal place. I will surely visit you again to see if anything new appears on it.
Good luck for the future.


i am a dedicated moleskine user / pilot hi tec pen lover/ rapidography loyalist as well. i am excited to learn that there are others that are as dedicated to keeping beautiful sketchbooks as i seek to do. graph paper and opaque black ink is the only way to go. thanks.


Amazing Moleskines...!!

Greg In. Trabanca

Sunday, March 07, 2004. I was lucky to be a recipient of a rectangular black book, a Moleskine from Armand B. Frasco : a friend, an artist.

This little book reminded me of my school days in which my only inseparable companion was a very small notebook and a pen. And I scribbled vital subjects, anything that caught my interest. But this Moleskine is a treasure. Thanks to Moleskine and to Armand. May the likes of you increase!

Ed Flores

This author uses the look of the Moleskine for the cover of his book:

Mike Jack

On the recent rebroadcast of the Michael Jackson interview, they did a detail shot of Martin Bashir taking notes in a Moleskine. It was on too quick for me to see what kind of pen he was using. Looking forward to the Moleskine Reporter Notebook being available in the US.


I went to Borders book store last night and would you believe the Moleskine section had been ransacked! 98% of all the plastic wrap had been removed, all the labels, postcards, and stickers were gone, and there were no large style lined journals left. What a crime....people need to be better stewards of these fine little gems. These are not $.95 spirals from the school supply section at Wal-Mart! These journals are small, black treasure boxes designed to hold the nuggets and gems of truth and illuminations that come from the mines of our souls.


Someone recommended that I should mention Hi Tec C pens on this site, since people who love notebooks must by association also love pens. My two friends and I just opened a new online site at Feel free to email me, maybe we'll expand to moleskins also. ;)

IL Postino

We've heard from Moleskine users in the Philippines but most of them seem to have gotten their notebooks from abroad. I hope there's a local dealer but it looks unlikely at the moment. You may want to email Patrick Ng at for an HK store.

Jay Lozada

Hi, i'd like to know where I could buy moleskine notebooks in Asia? I'm from Quezon City, Philippines.


There are many places to try. Where are you located? In the US you can visit any Borders or Barnes & Noble and they sell them. Online they are also available all over from:,,,,, Good luck!


I have a question.
I am very interested in this idea and would like to know how i can get hold of one of these awesome little books.
i have tried looking for details but can't find any.
Help, anyone?


Can i get an invite to join IT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.


Can i get an invitation to join



Somebody say something. I don't like days without entries. Spent morning at Mellow Joy coffee shop writing in one moleskine. Chores on the farm. Spend some of afternoon logging 'to dos' in another moleskine. Tonight, back to this morning's edition with tales from gravel roads and dusty pastures. Yes, I prayed to God to protect us from Ivan - AND - I also made sure to pray the day after the storm. Remember Satchel Page, "Don't pray when it rains, if you don't pray when the sun shines." Thanks, Satchel. Wisdom IS always better than education.

IL Postino



HI Sania here add me to orkut send me an invitations plzzzzzzzzz
i wanna be there pzl plz plz
hellp ma


PLZ add me at orkut
ill be thankful to ne one who do dis feva
yuppy thanks
bye bye waiting


I want to join so that i can be part of it and have fun with you people and any one who is a member and can invite me please send me invitation at [email protected]
i will appreciate you help and concern. thanks guys


I was reading Bruce Chapman's book Songlines on vacation, and he has a page or so about carrying around his stack of Moleskines which contains all his notes for his book. So, now I don't feel back about have a short stack myself. I have one for traveling, one for day to day, one red address book, and several small ones for smaller bags. Archival ink, of course.

Songlines is about travels through the Outback in Australia. Bring water and a hat.



A man sits on the shore and gazes at the sea, or rather the waves of the sea.
It's an age-old spell.
The idea springs from this: trousers rolled up to the knees and sea salt which stings your face.
It comes out of summer evenings spent talking, looking, realizing. It springs from the patterns of pebbles on the beaches of Bonassola, Nervi, Riva, Lavagna.
It is the product of a dream which three friends had - to capture the echo of great deeds.
'In riva' tries to convey one feeling above all - wonder.


extraordinary place, wonderful people, timeless book. this site was an enjoyable read. i will return often. thank you. rl


anyone have any idea where to get a molskine journal in bangkok?


Armand, you're so kind to include my email to you about my new online conceptual adventure:

Thanks to your help, I hope to evolve the site with new friends who share the same obsessions.


new medium about an old medium - I love it!!

Great site - keep up the good work

Jerry (Canberra, Australia)


Hi Mr. Gregory,

The competition ended on the 15th. We are in the process of picking out the winner to be declared on the 31st of this month.


So, what ever happened to the competition? Wasn't it meant to end on Feb 15th, then March 15th?

Il Postino

HR wrote on 1.17.04:

"Awesome blog! I've added the RSS to my reader and will check it
regularly. Your posts make for a formidable challenge as a
guest-blogger. Thanks again for the invite."

Il Postino

D wrote on 1.19.04:

"Well, what can one say when they come upon a site that sucks them in and won't let them go. It's the kind of site I've been looking for. It has surprise, art, quotes, information big and small, compassion, insightfulness, encouragement, and fun.

I am an artist, mother, and elementary art teacher. This site is great and I hope you keep going.

Thank you"

Witold Riedel

The site idea is beautiful, the site looks beautiful. The little icons and links. All really wonderful. Looking forward to visiting your site very often.

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